Devolopers love the 3 ring of Death feature!

With competition at a all time high in the gaming market. We ask game developers what they were doing to bring there games to the next level. We also ask which game system they like programing for the best. Of course a lot of them didn't want to play favorites but a lot of developers are trying to utilize a feature exclusive to the Xbox 360. Which is the 3 ring of death. "If we can jam a lot of crap on the screen and then let user play there own music in the background. We can sometimes trigger the 3 ring of death." said the girl at the front desk. "gamer have trophies and game points" developers have the 3 ring of that. Game play and graphics mean nothing if you can't trigger the rod. How can you say have the most intense game if you can't do that. Said Ea pres. Microsoft has given is this great feature and it's up to game developers to take advantage of it. We here are gamerfridge ask if there any other feature of the Xbox they like and what about the PS3. Well if we could figure out how to activate the black feature where it puts a ring on the disks and breaks the disk that would be cool. Mw2 has been able to do it and if we can follow in it's footsteps I think can sell a lot more copies of the same title. Which is good for our bottom line. As for the PS3 they better get better about letting developers kill there machine with system updates. But Sony has a track record of taking away features i.e. backwards compatibility, so developers don't have faith the could crash a lot of PS3's.

-The Back Up



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