Sony replaces PlayStation Motion Controller with DX Glow Sticks

After months of talk of a new motion controller for the PS3. Sony developers have dropped the idea in favor of something much cooler.
With the Wii being so dominate this round of the console wars because there Wiimote. Sony had been hard at work trying to come up with something that could compete with it. With useless demos of a glow ball controller and developers tired of looking stupid while waving the goofy thing around. They have scrapped the idea in favor of DX Glow Sticks. "We feel people will get a lot more out of the DX Glows Stick then another PS3 controller." Said Some guy at Sony "People will get more out of these then even the Wii Fit, Nobody actually uses that thing." We must say, we here at Gamerfridge where a little convinced when we seen Sony people running around their offices yelling De-Generation-X at random people. It was quite a sight to behold. Sony Development also said that the DX Glow Sticks will cater to the older crowd too. "My Grandma Loves DX!" said the same Sony Guy "Besides if people don't like it. I got two words for yah. "Too Bad". After that quote I was kicked in the gut and he processed to do the DX Chop and ran off.
With the Launch of "Smackdown vs Raw 2010" this could be good timing for Sony.

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