Sony Changed Playstaion 3 because they thought it looked stupid

A 60GB version of the PlayStation 3.It's too shiny, we know.

After many complaints from the consumers and the Gaming Industry about the PlayStation 3. Sony finally decided to do something about it. "We have heard your complaints and we too think the Playstation 3 looks stupid." said the Janitor at Sony "It would get real distracting when you are playing a game. The thing so shinny it would glare on my TV". With Sony already taken out most of the cool features of the launch models: Backwards Compatibility, Memory Card slots, USB ports. They where left with a lot of empty space inside. "We thought long and hard about what we fill that space with: louder fans, hotter power supplies, but in the end we decided to just make the whole thing smaller." said a guy walking out of the bathroom."Plus it says PS3 on it now. That is much easier to say." We here at GamerFridge have to agree because PlayStation 3 is hard to spell. Plus it looks like Spider man 3. Which everyone knows was the worse in the series. With new PS3 Slim costing less and not as shiny it seems like a win, win. But not everyone i

Cold peopleI heated my living room with my PS3

t happy. "I heated my living room with my PS3" said Joe the Gamer "If a get the new one I might have to pick up a XBox 360 too." We at GamerFridge also heard complaints about the lower fan noise from gamers who went to sleep to it. But in the end we think the PS3 Slim is a good move for Sony.

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